Monday, April 5, 2010

Jackie Brown (1997)

4.5/5 stars

The lesser-known triplet in Tarantino’s trio of all-time classics. While Jackie Brown isn’t quite as gory or even violent, the plot is still twisted enough to be impossible to entirely grasp the first time through, just like the two sister films Reservoir Dogs (1992) and Pulp Fiction (1994). It takes some time to get used to how odd everyone looks, between Samuel L. Jackson’s braided goatee, Pam Grier’s mysterious charm and Michael Keaton’s very tight white shirts, the film is a character study alone.

The opening sequence bears an odd resemblance to the opening credits of The Graduate (1967) with the profile shot of the main character in an airport. Both films have strong visual motifs and striking shots. Though there is definitely more violence in Jackie Brown (it’s Tarantino after all), both lead characters are near death, for Jackie Brown physical death and for Ben emotional death.

Jackie Brown is Tarantino’s most publically palatable creation, other than the episode of ER he directed back in 1995.

1 comment:

  1. I dig this review. It has your DNA (experience) throughout. A real movie buff.
